Wakulla County School District

Elementary Art Teacher

Wakulla County School District, Crawfordville, Florida, United States, 32327


QUALIFICATIONS:(1) Bachelor's degree from an accredited educational institution.(2) Certified by the State of Florida in the appropriate area.(3) Satisfactory criminal background check and drug screening.

KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND ABILITIES:Knowledge of child development and especially of characteristics of children in the agegroup assigned. Knowledge of the prescribed curriculum. Knowledge of current educationalresearch. Basic understanding and knowledge of current technology. Knowledge of learningstyles and skill in using varied teaching methods to address student learning styles.Skill in oral and written communication with students, parents, and others. Abilityto plan and implement activities for maximum effectiveness. Ability to assess levels ofstudent achievement effectively, analyzes test results, and prescribes actions forimprovement. Ability to maintain appropriate student supervision so that students have asafe and orderly environment in which to learn. Ability to work effectively with peers,administrators and others.

REPORTS TO:Principal

JOB GOALTo provide an educational atmosphere in which students will move toward thefulfillment of their potential for intellectual, emotional, physical, and psychologicalgrowth and maturation in accordance with District philosophy, goals, and objectives.


PERFORMANCE RESPONSIBILITIES:Planning/Preparation*(1) Create or select long-range plans based on a review of district andstate content standards, student profiles, instructional priorities and appropriatelesson design questions.*(2) Define learning goals with rubrics and objectives for unit and daily plans.*(3) The teacher's lesson and unit plans demonstrate knowledge of the content,prerequisite relationships between important concepts, instructional strategies specific tothe subject matter, and organizes strategies and activities in an appropriate sequence.*(4) Identify specific intended learning outcomes that are aligned with the districtand state content standards so that students are prepared for high stakes testing.Revise plans based on student needs.

*(5) Plan and prepare a variety of learning activities considering individual student'sculture, learning styles, special needs, and socio-economic background.*(6) Develop or select instructional activities which foster active involvement ofstudents in the learning process.*(7) Plan and prepare lessons and instructional strategies that require studentsto engage with rigorous and demanding content that aligns with district andstate content standards.

*(8) Select, develop, modify, and/or adapt materials and resources especially technologicalresources, which support learning objectives and the varying needs of students.

Classroom Management

*(9)Establish and maintain a positive, organized, and safe learning environment.*(10) Provide a positive environment in which students are encouraged to be actively engaged in thelearning process.

*(11)Maintain a clean attractive learning environment.*(12)Maintain academic focus by using a variety of motivational techniques.*(13)Establish and use behavior management techniques which are appropriate and effective.(14)Establish routines and procedures and work with students on consistently following them.

*(15) Create a learning climate that is challenging yet non-threatening.*(16) Maintain instructional momentum with smooth and efficient transitionsfrom one activity to another.

*(17)Establish and maintain effective and efficient record keeping procedures.*(18)Manage time effectively.*(19) Develop routines and efficient techniques for minimizing time requiredfor administrative and organizational activities.

*(20) Manage materials and equipment effectively.*(21) Organize materials for efficient distribution and collection.*(22) Instruct and supervise the work of volunteers and aides when assigned.*(23) Assist in enforcement of school rules, administrative regulations, and Board policy.Assessment/Evaluation*(24) Establish appropriate testing environment and administer standardizedtests in accordance with directions provided to ensure test security.*(25) Develop and use diagnostic assessments prior to instruction.*(26) Use on-going assessments to monitor learning and adjust instruction.*(27) The teacher routinely tracks student progress on learning goals using avariety of formative approaches to assessment.*(28) Feedback to students provides recognition of their current status andknowledge gain relative to learning goals with a focus on improving student performance.*(29) Communicate, in understandable terms, individual student progress knowledgeably andresponsibility to the student, parents, and professional colleagues who need access to theinformation.*(30) Encourage goal setting by students and assists them in developing and then monitoringtheir plans for improving their academic performance.*(31) Communicate, post, explain lesson expectations so students understandwhat is expected.WCSB - Job Description: Rev 07/11Page 2 of 4Imp-Implemented Rev. - RevisedRet.-lnactive or replaced by a revision

*(32) Evaluate the effectiveness of instructional units and teaching strategies.Student Instructional Engagement*(33) Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of curriculum content.*(34) Communicate high expectations for learning for all students.*(35) The teacher provides clearly stated learning goals accompanied by scales or rubricsthat describe levels of performance relative to the learning goal.

*(36)Monitor learning activities, providing feedback and reinforcement to students.*(37)

Use a variety of instructional strategies appropriate for teaching students from diversebackgrounds with different learning styles and special needs.

*(38) Use appropriate techniques and strategies to enhance the application of critical,creative, and evaluative thinking capabilities of students.*(39) The teacher engages students in activities that help them link what they already know tonew content about to be addressed and facilitates these linkages.

*(40)Assist students in accessing, interpreting, and evaluating information from multiplesources.

*(41)Provide appropriate instruction and modifications for students with special needs,including exceptional education students and students who have limited proficiency inEnglish.

*(42)Provide quality work for students which is focused on meaningful, relevant, andengaging learning experiences.

*(43)The teacher organizes the class in such a way as to facilitate students working oncomplex tasks that require them to generate and test hypotheses.

*(44)Foster student responsibility, appropriate social behavior, integrity, valuing of culturaldiversity, and respect for self and others, by role modeling and learning activities.

*(45)Recognize overt indicators of student distress or abuse and takeappropriate intervention, referral, or reporting actions.

Technology*(46)Use appropriate technology in instructional delivery.*(47)Use technology to establish an atmosphere of active learning.*(48)Provide students with opportunities to use technology to gather and share information with others.*(49) Facilitate student access to the use of electronic resources.*(50) Explore and evaluate new technologies and their educational impact.*(51) Use technology to review student assessment data.*(52) Use technology for administrative tasks.Collaboration*(53) Communicate effectively, orally and in writing, with other professionals,students, parents, and community.*(54) Collaborate with students, parents, school staff, and other appropriate personsto assist in meeting student needs.*(55) Provide accurate and timely information to parents and students about academicand behavioral performance of students.*(56) Work with other teachers in curriculum development, special activities, andsharing ideas and resources.

TEACHER (Continued)

*(57) Establish and maintain a positive collaborative relationship with the students'families to increase student achievement.Professional Learning*(58) Engage in continuing improvement of professional knowledge and skills.*(59) Assist others in acquiring knowledge and understanding.*(60) Keep abreast of developments in instructional methodology, learning theory, curriculumtrends, and content.*(61) Conduct a personal assessment periodically to determine professionaldevelopment needs with reference to specific instructional assignment.*(62) Participate in school data collection of teacher input on principal'sperformance assessment program.Professional Responsibilities*(63) Act in a professional and ethical manner and adhere at all times to The Codeof Ethics and the Principles of Professional Conduct of the Education Profession in Florida.

*(64)Perform assigned duties including the accurate and timely filing of all reports.*(65)Demonstrate attention to punctuality, attendance, records, and reports.*(66)Maintain confidentiality of student and other professional information.*(67) Comply with policies, procedures, and programs.*(68) Exercise appropriate professional judgment.

*(69) Support school improvement initiatives by active participation in schoolactivities, services, and programs.(71) Perform other incidental tasks consistent with the goals and objectives of thisposition.Student Growth and Achievement*(72) Ensure that student growth and achievement are continuous and appropriate forage group, subject area, and/or student program classification.

*Essential Performance Responsibilities

PHYSICAL REQUIREMENTS:Light Work: Exerting up to 20 pounds of force occasionally and/or up to 10 pounds of forceas frequently as needed to move objects.

Job Description Supplement No. 03

TERMS OF EMPLOYMENT:Salary and benefits shall be paid consistent with the District's approved compensation plan. Lengthof the work year and hours of employment shall be those established by the District.

EVALUATION:Performance of this job will be evaluated in accordance with provisions of the Board's policy onevaluation of personnel.