Assistant Professor of Art and Design
Kansas Action for Children, Inc, KS, United States
at Fort Hays State University in Hays, Kansas, United States
Job Description
Duties: Teach introductory and advanced interior design courses in subjects such as textiles, color theory, commercial design, history of interior design, and space planning to meet department needs. Teach other basic courses or general education courses as needed within the department, including ART 103 2D Design, ART 180 Fundamentals and Appreciation of Art, ART 201 Survey of Art History I, and ART 202 Survey of Art History II. Develop and help create a proper curriculum for the interior design degree program following the CIDA requirements. Work with other interior design faculty to further oversee/develop the curriculum. Assist in guiding the integration of technology in the interior design program. Share in the advising and mentoring of interior design students. Work towards future CIDA accreditation for the interior design program. Participate as an advisor in the student IDSA organization. Perform departmental and university service and maintain an active scholarly/creative activity agenda: 60% Teaching, 20% Service, and 20% Scholarship/Research. Demonstrate collegiality, professionalism, and a strong commitment to teaching excellence and the university mission. Communicate and collaborate with faculty in the Department of Applied Technology.
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