Assistant Professor—Communication Sciences and Disorders
Kansas Action for Children, Inc, KS, United States
At Fort Hays State University in Hays, Kansas, United States
Job Description
Duties: Nine-month tenure track faculty appointment with academic and clinical teaching responsibilities. Courses under the Communication Sciences and Disorders position include:
- SLP 855 Fluence Disorders
- SLP 813 Assessment & Intervention in Diverse Populations
- SLP 471 School-Age Speech & Language Analysis
- SLP 470 Later Language Development
- SLP 371 Early Speech & Language Analysis
- SLP 682 Reading in Speech Language Pathology: Autism Spectrum Disorders
- SLP 682 Reading in Speech Language Pathology: Special Populations in Communication Sciences & Disorders
The selected candidate will mentor undergraduate and graduate students in the classroom and the clinic, conduct and disseminate research in area(s) of interest, and provide service to the university, community, state, and profession. The successful candidate must effectively mentor students in academic, clinical, and research activities. In addition, successful candidates will need to meet the United States criteria for eligibility for employment. Responsibilities also include participating as an advisor for graduate students, performing departmental and university service, and maintaining an active scholarly activity agenda: 60% Teaching, 20% Service, and 20% Scholarship/Research. Candidates should demonstrate collegiality, professionalism, and a strong commitment to teaching excellence and the university mission.