Baltimore City Public Schools
Teacher Vocal Music (25-26)
Baltimore City Public Schools, Baltimore, Maryland, United States, 21276
Plans and implements an instructional program in Vocal Music and provides related educational services. Manages student behavior, assesses, and evaluates student achievement, and modifies instructional activities as required. Carries out a variety of student monitoring and support activities.
Serves as Vocal Music education teacher. Classes taught may be single or multi grade level, subject, skill, or specialty oriented. Performs duties within a team or departmental setting or works independently in a unique teaching specialty. Applicant pool is viewable for employment in grades Pre-K-12.
RichTextarea.displayLimitedText("#div_8600038207_149590", "99999", "/ats/job_board_form_form?op=view&JOB_ID=8600038207");
Essential Functions
Assesses student abilities as related to desired educational goals, objectives, and outcomes.
Plans and implements appropriate instructional/learning strategies and activities, including determination of appropriate kind and level or materials. Utilizes a variety of instructional materials and available multimedia and computer technology to enhance learning.
Develops, adapts, modifies, and individualizes educational materials, resources, techniques, methods, and strategies to meet the needs of students within the City Schools curriculum framework.
Assumes direct responsibility for the development of appropriate behavior of students within the school setting by establishing and maintaining effective discipline and management procedures.
Manages the behavior of learners in instructional settings to ensure environment is conducive to the learning process and assists and participates in management of student behavior in other parts of the school, center, school grounds, or work site.
Coordinates instructional activities and collaborates with others professional staff, both school and non-school-based, as required to maximize learning opportunities.
Requests assistance of and works with resource personnel, as needed.
Works in a self-contained, team, departmental, itinerant capacity, or at field work site as assigned.
Participates in in-service and staff development activities and staff meetings as required or assigned.
Continually assesses student achievement and maintains appropriate assessment and evaluation documentation for institutional and individual reporting purposes.
Ensures continuous communication with parents, both written and oral, to keep them informed of a student(s) progress.
Continually communicates with students on instructional expectations and keeps them informed of their progress in meeting those expectations.
Manages allotted learning time to maximize student achievement.
Assigns work to and oversees paraprofessionals, parents, and student volunteers as required.
Ensures classroom and/or instructional environment is attractive, healthful, safe, and conducive to learning and that materials are in good condition and accessible to students.
Serves at two or more schools on a regular basis if itinerant.
Makes off school site visits to monitor students or confers with employers or site instructors as required.
Supports or participates in school-wide student activities and social events and approved fundraising activities.
Monitors student behavior in non-instructional areas as assigned or required and intervenes to control and modify disruptive behavior, reporting to administrator as appropriate.
Collaborates with other professionals (guidance counselors, librarians, etc.) to carry out school wide instructional or related activities.
May sponsor or coordinate extracurricular activities such as clubs, student organizations, and academic contests.
Performs and promotes all activities in compliance with equal employment and non-discrimination policies; follows federal laws, state laws, school board policies and the professional standards.
RichTextarea.displayLimitedText("#div_8600038207_149591", "99999", "/ats/job_board_form_form?op=view&JOB_ID=8600038207");
Maximum Salary
Minimum Salary
Desired Qualifications
Valid educator license in Music OR eligible for a conditional license in Music (Music major or at least 12 college credits in Music courses with a C or better and a GPA of 2.5 or better)
Bachelor's degree from an accredited college or institution.
Knowledge of federal laws protecting the educational services for students with disabilities
Knowledge of content, curriculum, methods, materials, and equipment of instructional specialty to which assigned
Excellent oral and written communications and human relations skills
Ability to select instructional planning, management, and evaluation procedures that relate to student needs and the demands of the instructional environment
Ability to apply knowledge of current research and theory to instructional programs
Ability to plan and implement lessons based on division and school objectives and the needs and abilities of students to whom assigned
Ability to establish and maintain effective relationships with students, peers, and parents
Ability to plan and implement lessons based on division and school objectives and the needs and abilities of students to whom assigned
Ability to move about the room to check student work and monitor behavior
Knowledge of school's program of studies related to assignments and mission, goals, and organization is preferred
Bachelor's degree in Music or Music education
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Full time or Part time
Full time
Additional Details
Qualified candidates for the above position must submit the following:
Completed online application
Resume that clearly demonstrates the above minimum qualifications.?It is important that you include all experiences and education related to the position to which you are applying.
Upload copies of all transcripts -undergraduate, graduate and all MSDE Certifications
Must provide three (3) professional references to include: name, title, business address, e-mail address and phone number
All documentation/certification necessary (scanned copies accepted) to substantiate minimum qualifications; must be uploaded into application
All documentation must be scanned and uploaded to application
Benefits?-- This position is eligible for benefits. To review the available options please see the information relevant to the union for this position by viewing the following link:?
Baltimore City Public Schools ("City Schools") does not discriminate in its employment, programs, and activities based on race, ethnicity, color, ancestry, national origin, nationality, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, gender expression, marital status, pregnancy or parenting status, family structure, ability (cognitive, social/emotional, and physical), veteran status, genetic information, age, immigration or citizenship status, socioeconomic status, language, or any other legally or constitutionally protected attributes or affiliations. Discrimination undermines our community's long-standing efforts to create, foster, and promote equity and inclusion for all. Some examples of discrimination include acts of hate, violence, harassment, bullying, or retaliation. For more information, see Baltimore City Board of School Commissioners Policies?JBA (Nondiscrimination - Students), ?JBB (Sex-Based Discrimination - Students), ?JICK (Bullying, Harassment, or Intimidation of Students), ?ACA (Nondiscrimination - Employees and Third PMusicies), ?ACB (Sexual Harassment - Employees and Third PMusicies), ?ACD (ADA Reasonable Accommodations), and?ADA (Equity), and the accompanying City Schools Administrative Regulations. City Schools also provides equal access to the Boy and Girl Scouts and other designated youth groups.?Link to Full Nondiscrimination Notice.
This position is affiliated with the Baltimore Teachers Union (BTU) bargaining unit.?
This position is affiliated with the State Retirement Plan.
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Serves as Vocal Music education teacher. Classes taught may be single or multi grade level, subject, skill, or specialty oriented. Performs duties within a team or departmental setting or works independently in a unique teaching specialty. Applicant pool is viewable for employment in grades Pre-K-12.
RichTextarea.displayLimitedText("#div_8600038207_149590", "99999", "/ats/job_board_form_form?op=view&JOB_ID=8600038207");
Essential Functions
Assesses student abilities as related to desired educational goals, objectives, and outcomes.
Plans and implements appropriate instructional/learning strategies and activities, including determination of appropriate kind and level or materials. Utilizes a variety of instructional materials and available multimedia and computer technology to enhance learning.
Develops, adapts, modifies, and individualizes educational materials, resources, techniques, methods, and strategies to meet the needs of students within the City Schools curriculum framework.
Assumes direct responsibility for the development of appropriate behavior of students within the school setting by establishing and maintaining effective discipline and management procedures.
Manages the behavior of learners in instructional settings to ensure environment is conducive to the learning process and assists and participates in management of student behavior in other parts of the school, center, school grounds, or work site.
Coordinates instructional activities and collaborates with others professional staff, both school and non-school-based, as required to maximize learning opportunities.
Requests assistance of and works with resource personnel, as needed.
Works in a self-contained, team, departmental, itinerant capacity, or at field work site as assigned.
Participates in in-service and staff development activities and staff meetings as required or assigned.
Continually assesses student achievement and maintains appropriate assessment and evaluation documentation for institutional and individual reporting purposes.
Ensures continuous communication with parents, both written and oral, to keep them informed of a student(s) progress.
Continually communicates with students on instructional expectations and keeps them informed of their progress in meeting those expectations.
Manages allotted learning time to maximize student achievement.
Assigns work to and oversees paraprofessionals, parents, and student volunteers as required.
Ensures classroom and/or instructional environment is attractive, healthful, safe, and conducive to learning and that materials are in good condition and accessible to students.
Serves at two or more schools on a regular basis if itinerant.
Makes off school site visits to monitor students or confers with employers or site instructors as required.
Supports or participates in school-wide student activities and social events and approved fundraising activities.
Monitors student behavior in non-instructional areas as assigned or required and intervenes to control and modify disruptive behavior, reporting to administrator as appropriate.
Collaborates with other professionals (guidance counselors, librarians, etc.) to carry out school wide instructional or related activities.
May sponsor or coordinate extracurricular activities such as clubs, student organizations, and academic contests.
Performs and promotes all activities in compliance with equal employment and non-discrimination policies; follows federal laws, state laws, school board policies and the professional standards.
RichTextarea.displayLimitedText("#div_8600038207_149591", "99999", "/ats/job_board_form_form?op=view&JOB_ID=8600038207");
Maximum Salary
Minimum Salary
Desired Qualifications
Valid educator license in Music OR eligible for a conditional license in Music (Music major or at least 12 college credits in Music courses with a C or better and a GPA of 2.5 or better)
Bachelor's degree from an accredited college or institution.
Knowledge of federal laws protecting the educational services for students with disabilities
Knowledge of content, curriculum, methods, materials, and equipment of instructional specialty to which assigned
Excellent oral and written communications and human relations skills
Ability to select instructional planning, management, and evaluation procedures that relate to student needs and the demands of the instructional environment
Ability to apply knowledge of current research and theory to instructional programs
Ability to plan and implement lessons based on division and school objectives and the needs and abilities of students to whom assigned
Ability to establish and maintain effective relationships with students, peers, and parents
Ability to plan and implement lessons based on division and school objectives and the needs and abilities of students to whom assigned
Ability to move about the room to check student work and monitor behavior
Knowledge of school's program of studies related to assignments and mission, goals, and organization is preferred
Bachelor's degree in Music or Music education
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Full time or Part time
Full time
Additional Details
Qualified candidates for the above position must submit the following:
Completed online application
Resume that clearly demonstrates the above minimum qualifications.?It is important that you include all experiences and education related to the position to which you are applying.
Upload copies of all transcripts -undergraduate, graduate and all MSDE Certifications
Must provide three (3) professional references to include: name, title, business address, e-mail address and phone number
All documentation/certification necessary (scanned copies accepted) to substantiate minimum qualifications; must be uploaded into application
All documentation must be scanned and uploaded to application
Benefits?-- This position is eligible for benefits. To review the available options please see the information relevant to the union for this position by viewing the following link:?
Baltimore City Public Schools ("City Schools") does not discriminate in its employment, programs, and activities based on race, ethnicity, color, ancestry, national origin, nationality, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, gender expression, marital status, pregnancy or parenting status, family structure, ability (cognitive, social/emotional, and physical), veteran status, genetic information, age, immigration or citizenship status, socioeconomic status, language, or any other legally or constitutionally protected attributes or affiliations. Discrimination undermines our community's long-standing efforts to create, foster, and promote equity and inclusion for all. Some examples of discrimination include acts of hate, violence, harassment, bullying, or retaliation. For more information, see Baltimore City Board of School Commissioners Policies?JBA (Nondiscrimination - Students), ?JBB (Sex-Based Discrimination - Students), ?JICK (Bullying, Harassment, or Intimidation of Students), ?ACA (Nondiscrimination - Employees and Third PMusicies), ?ACB (Sexual Harassment - Employees and Third PMusicies), ?ACD (ADA Reasonable Accommodations), and?ADA (Equity), and the accompanying City Schools Administrative Regulations. City Schools also provides equal access to the Boy and Girl Scouts and other designated youth groups.?Link to Full Nondiscrimination Notice.
This position is affiliated with the Baltimore Teachers Union (BTU) bargaining unit.?
This position is affiliated with the State Retirement Plan.
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